© Vassilis Hajivassiliou 1998-2021

Illustrating Laws of Large Numbers

The Behaviour of the Sample Mean under I.i.d. Sampling

Select Four Sample Sizes:    Nobs1: Nobs2: Nobs3: Nobs4:
Select One Distribution:       Normal Exponential Bernoulli Cauchy Pareto

Introductory Remarks About Distributions

The Normal Distribution
This is the classic "bell-shaped" curve that Gauss invented (hence, it is sometimes called the Gaussian distribution). It is symmetric, centered at the mean and has points of inflexion at mean + standard_deviation and mean - standard_deviation.
This is the easiest case for the LLN: The sample mean of observations from such a distribution is also Normally distributed, with the same true mean, and variance N times smaller than the original one, where N is the number of observations.
This case illustrates very clearly the concept of convergence in mean-square-error.
The Bernoulli Distribution
This discrete distribution describes a random variable that takes two possible values, 1 (success) with probability p, and 0 (failure) with probability 1-p.
The LLN will imply that we should expect the sample mean (proportion) of successes to converge to the true population proportion p, and this should happen irrespective of the fact that the underlying distribution we are drawing from is discrete.
The Exponential Distribution
This is the non-negative distribution that is found to be a good model for things like the life-time of light-bulbs, etc. It has a single parameter: its mean. It falls uniformly as the value of the random variable grows to infinity.
The sample mean of observations drawn from such a distribution is a (rescaled) Gamma distribution. Hence, you should watch out for the LLN taking place, whereby the sample mean converges to the population mean, despite the fact that the underlying distribution is skewed (to the right).
The Cauchy Distribution
This is the pathological distribution that while it looks just like the normal curve, being symmetric and bell-shaped, it does not have any finite moments, not even a mean. This is caused by its tails being "too fat". As a result, its two parameters are its median and its scale.
What this implies for the LLN experiments, is that the sample average does not converge to the true location because all LLN's require the mean of the underlying distribution to be finite. This is violated here and hence convergence will not take place. Indeed, a surprising fact is that the sample mean has exactly the same Cauchy distribution as the one of the underlying observations, irrespective of the sample size!
Watch out for this fact.
The Pareto Distribution
This case is very interesting because it allows one to have the LLN, the CLT, or both fail at will by choosing appropriately the single parameter of this distribution, theta.
This is because the Pareto distribution does not have a finite variance if theta is less than 2, and it also does not have a mean if theta is less than 1.
Hence, choosing a theta that exceeds 3 should show both the LLN and the CLT holding. A theta smaller than 1 should exhibit failure of both the sample mean and the sample T-statistic to converge, whereas a theta in between 1 and 2 will allow one to obtain convergence in probability of the sample mean (the LLN), but not of the T-statistic to the Normal curve (the CLT).