Vassilis Hajivassiliou February 1992 (aided by Yoosoon Chang) June 1995 FORTRAN implementation of 13 simulation algorithms given in Hajivassiliou, McFadden, and Ruud, "Simulation of Multivariate Rectangle Probabilities and their Derivatives: Methods and Programs," Cowles Foundation Mimeo, November 1994, forthcoming in the Journal of Econometrics. 6 files constitute the main program: ----------------------------------- 1. har_main.f A harness program to set up monte carlo test runs. 2. har_libd.f Machine-Dependent routines, necessary for timing the results. Three versions are given, one for SunOS/UNIX (har_libd.sun), one for PC/Lahey fortran (har_libd.lh), and one with dummy routines that should compile on any machine (har_libd.dum). 3. har_libm.f Matrix operation routines. 4. har_libo.f Other utility routines. 5. har_libs.f The basic Simulation routines, following the GAUSS implementation in terms of calling arguments, etc. 6. har_libt.c (required for UNIX) This is a C routine that interfaces with the system clock, which is necessary for the timings. A 7th file is required, defining the maximum dimensions: ----------------------------------------------------------- 7. Before compiling, you must change this dimensioning file for the maximum number of elements in the multivariate normal (mmaxim), and for the maximum number of simulations allowed (irmaxim). NB: The program will search automatically for the environment variable -- 'machine' and will make a note in the output of the computer used. (On UNIX, the environment variable 'machine' must be lower case -- on DOS, the case is not relevant.) For users on a UNIX system: -------------------------- To prepare the executable files "harness" and "asd2asc", run the script file "har_make" by issuing the command "source har_make". You may have to modify the fortran compilation lines for your system -- on the Sun, the highest level of optimization is -O4. Results of a Run ---------------- The results will be placed in files xxMMMM.asd, where xx=a two-letter name specified by the user at run time, and MMMM is the 3 or 4 letter identifier for the simulation algorithm (e.g., CFS, ARSE, etc.). The *.asd files are "direct-access" files, which are not easily readable. To change them into usual ASCII files, run the program "asd2asc". Each *.asc file contains the "true" (usually quadrature) values for the quantities to be simulated, and the results of each Monte Carlo repetition on a new line. For GAUSS users: --------------- The program will create automatically the file 'xxmkgau.bat', where xx is the two-letter name specified by the user at run time. When run on a DOS machine with the GAUSS utility ATOG on the path, this batch file will automatically translate the *.asc result files created as described above to GAUSS .DAT/.DHT data sets. This will facilitate the analysis of the Monte Carlo results of a particular run using GAUSS.