Wouter J. den Haan - LSE Macroeconomics Summer Courses

Macroeconomics Summer Courses - 2011 Preparation

#1 The essentials:
Solving and estimating DSGE models

  1. It is important that you are familiar with the basics of DSGE models. There are many ways to do this, but one reference would be dynamic optimization
  2. It will be very helpful if you know a bit of Matlab. Useful may be the following:

#2 Solving DSGE Models with Heterogeneous Agents and Bounded Rationality
  1. Some Matlab experience (see point #2 above).
  2. It will be very helpful if you are familiar with the basics of Dynare and projection methods. Info can be found at slides on Dynare , official Dynare user guide, and projection methods
  3. Krusell, P. and T. Smith, 1998, Heterogeneity in the macroeconomy, Journal of Political Economy
  4. Evans, G. and S. Honkapohja, 2009, Learning and Macroeconomics, Annual Review of Economics.
  5. Adam, K. and A. Marcet, 2010, Internal rationality, imperfect market knowledge and asset prices, Journal of Economic Theory.
  6. Hommes, C.H., Bounded Rationality and Learning in Complex Markets, (2009), In: Handbook of Economic Complexity, Edited by J. Barkley Rosse, Jr., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. Available here .