Taxing Top Wealth: Migration Responses and their Aggregate Economic Implications
with Katrine Jakobsen, Henrik Kleven, Jonas Kolsrud & Mathilde Munoz
Revisions requested American Economic Review
[Slides] [Abstract]
The Child Penalty Atlas
with Henrik Kleven & Gabriel Leite-Mariante
Forthcoming Review of Economic Studies
[Website] [The Economist - Graphic Detail] [NBER Digest] [Slides] [Abstract]
Wealth and Property Taxation in the United States
with Sacha Dray & Stefanie Stantcheva
Revisions requested Quarterly Journal of Economics
[Slides] [Abstract]
Retirement Consumption & Pension Design
with Jonas Kolsrud, Daniel Reck Dray & Johannes Spinnewijn
American Economic Review 114.1: 89-133, 2024
[Slides] [Video] [Abstract]
Do Family Policies Reduce Gender Inequality? Evidence from 60 Years of Policy Experimentation
with Henrik Kleven, Johanna Posch, Andreas Steinhauer & Josef Zweimuller
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 16.2: 110-49, 2024.
[Abstract] [Slides]
Subsidizing Labor Hoarding in Recessions:
The Employment & Welfare Effects of Short Time Work
with Giulia Giupponi
Review of Economic Studies Volume 90, Issue 4: 1963–2005, 2023
[Abstract] [Online Appendix] [Slides] [VOX-EU Summary for Broader Public] [VOX-Talks Podcast]
[Building Effective STW in COVID Crisis]
Should We Insure Workers or Jobs During Recession?
with Giulia Giupponi, & Alice Lapeyre
Journal of Economic Perspectives, Vol. 36, n. 2, pp. 29-54, Spring 2022
[Online Appendix] [Slides] [Working Paper Version] [Abstract]
Women & Men At Work
with Alison Andrew, Oriana Bandiera & Monica Costa-Dias
Published as part of the IFS Deaton Review of Inequalities, December 2021
[Executive Summary] [Abstract]
Choice in Insurance Markets:
A Pigouvian Approach to Social Insurance Design
with Nathan Hendren & Johannes Spinnewijn
Annual Review of Economics vol.13: 457-86, 2021
Does Biology Drive Child Penalties? Evidence from Biological and Adoptive Families
with Henrik Kleven & Jakob Sogaard
American Economic Review: Insights , 3, 183-198, 2021.
Risk-based Selection in Unemployment Insurance:
Evidence and Implications
with A. Nekoei, Peter Nilsson, David Seim, & Johannes Spinnewijn
American Economic Review Vol. 111, No. 4, April 2021
Recipient of the Sveriges a-kassor Best paper Prize 2021
[Abstract] [Slides] [VOX-EU Summary for Broader Public]
The Value Of Unemployment Insurance
with Johannes Spinnewijn
Review of Economic Studies Volume 88, Issue 6, Pages 3041–3085, November 2021.
[Slides] [Online Appendix] [Abstract]
Consumption Dynamics in the COVID Crisis:
Real Time Insights from French Data
with David Bounie, Youssouf Camara, Etienne Fize, John Galbraith, Chloe Lavest, Tatiana Pazem & Baptiste Savatier
Covid Economics Vol.59, November 2020
Taxation and Migration:
Evidence and Policy Implications
with Henrik Kleven, Mathilde Munoz and Stefanie Stantcheva
Journal of Economic Perspectives , 34 (2): 119-142, 2020.
The Value of Registry Data for Consumption Analysis:
An Application to Health Shocks
with Jonas Kolrsud & Johannes Spinnewijn
Journal of Public Economics Volume 189, 2020.
[Abstract] [Paper] [Programs & Documentation - The Consumption Project] [VOX-EU Summary for Broader Public]
Child Penalties Across Countries: Evidence and Explanations
with Henrik Kleven, Johanna Posch, Andreas Steinhauer, and Josef Zweimuller
AEA Papers & Proceedings 109: 122-126, 2019
[Programs & Documentation] [Abstract]
Children and Gender Inequality: Evidence from Denmark
with Henrik Kleven & Jakob Sogaard
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 11 (4): 181-209, 2019
Recipient of the AEJ Best Paper Award 2020
[Abstract] [VOX-EU Summary for Broader Public] [Press Coverage] [Watch Netflix Documentary]
The Optimal Timing of Unemployment Benefits: Theory and Evidence from Sweden
with Jonas Kolsrud, Peter Nilsson and Johannes Spinnewijn
American Economic Review 108 (4-5): 985-1033, 2018
[Abstract] [Online Appendix] [Slides] [MicroEconomic Insight for Broader Public]
A Macroeconomic Approach to Optimal Unemployment Insurance I: Theory
with Pascal Michaillat & Emmanuel Saez
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10(2): 152-181, 2018
[Abstract] [Slides] [Press Coverage]
A Macroeconomic Approach to Optimal Unemployment Insurance II: Applications
with Pascal Michaillat & Emmanuel Saez
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 10(2): 182-216, 2018
[Abstract] [Slides] [Press Coverage]
Gender Inequality and Economic Development: Fertility, Education, and Norms
with Henrik Kleven
Economica 84: 180-209, 2017.
The Effect of Tax Enforcement on Tax Elasticities:
Evidence from Charitable Contributions in France
with Gabrielle Fack
Journal of Public Economics, Volume 133, January 2016, Pages 23-40.
A previous version of the paper was circulated under the title « Charitable giving and tax policy in the presence of tax cheating: Theory and evidence from the US and France »
[Abstract] [Slides]
Market Externalities of Large Unemployment Insurance
Extension Programs
with Rafael Lalive & Josef Zweimuller
American Economic Review 105(12): 3564-3596, 2015.
[Abstract] [Slides] [Online Appendix] [Data & Programs] [VOX-EU Summary for Broader Public]
Assessing the Welfare Effects of Unemployment Benefits Using the Regression Kink Design
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 7(4): 243-278, 2015.
[Abstract] [Slides] [Online Appendix] [Data & Programs]
Migration and Wage Effects of Taxing Top Earners:
Evidence from the Foreigners' Tax Scheme in Denmark
with Henrik Kleven & Emmanuel Saez & Esben Schultz
Quarterly Journal of Economics , 129 (1): 333-378, 2014.
[Abstract] [Slides] [VOX-EU Summary for Broader Public]
Taxation and International Mobility of Superstars: Evidence from the European Football Market
with Henrik Kleven & Emmanuel Saez
American Economic Review 103(5): 1892-1924, 2013.
(NBER Digest summary for the broader public)
[Abstract] [Slides] [NBER WP Version] [VOX-EU] [Press Coverage]
Are Tax Incentives For Charitable Giving
Efficient? Evidence from France
with Gabrielle Fack
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 2(2): 117-41, 2010.
Gender Without Children
with Petter Lundborg, Tatiana Pazem, Erik Plug & Johan Vikstrom
[slides available upon request]
The BreadWinner Notch
with Henrik Kleven [slides available upon request]
Biens publics, charite privee:
Comment l'Etat peut-il reguler le charity business ?
with Gabrielle Fack & Alix Myczkowski, Editions Rue d?Ulm/Presses de l?Ecole normale superieure, 2018
[Data & Website on Charitable Giving by the Wealthy Around the World][Slides]
Charitable giving and tax policy:
a historical and comparative perspective
Gabrielle Fack & Camille Landais, editors, CEPR conference volume, Oxford University Press.
Pour une revolution fiscale: Un impot sur le revenu pour le XXIeme siecle
» (avec T. Piketty
& Emmanuel Saez),
Seuil (Janvier 2011).
[Tax reform simulator] [Press coverage]
Cultural assimilation in France
» (with Y. Algan & C. Senik),
in Cultural integration in Europe , (Y. Algan & A. Manning eds), CEPR/Oxford University Press, a paraitre, 2010
Enhancing EU Capital Markets
Joint Statement - French CAE & German SVR
Camille Landais, David Sraer, CAE
Monika Schnitzer, Veronika Grimm, Ulrike Malmendier, Achim Truger, Martin Werding, GCEE
Les TPE-PME françaises face au choc énergétique : les enseignements des données bancaires,
Focus #104, Conseil d’Analyse Economique January 2024
Inflation Reducation Act: How Should the EU React?
Joint Statement - French CAE & German SVR
Camille Landais, Sébastien Jean, Thomas Philippon, Aurélien Saussay, CAE
Monika Schnitzer, Veronika Grimm, Ulrike Malmendier, Achim Truger, Martin Werding, GCEE
Que faut-il attendre des mécanismes de partage de la valeur ?
with Maria Guadalupe & David Sraer
Note du Conseil d'Analyse Economique #79
[Slides] [Abstract]
Electricity market design: Views from
European economists
CEPR Policy Insight #120
Can Inheritance Taxation Promote Equality of
with Etienne Fize & Nicolas Grimprel
Forthcoming LSE Public Policy Review
[Abstract] [Slides]
Micro-simuler l’impact des politiques publiques sur les ménages : pourquoi, comment et lesquelles ?
with Francois Bourguignon
Note du Conseil d'Analyse Economique #74
[Slides] [Abstract]
Unemployment insurance versus short-time work:
Lessons from the pandemic.
LERA Perspectives On Work 2022, with Giulia Giupponi, & Alice Lapeyre
The Economic Consequences of a Stop of Energy Imports from Russia
with David Baqaee, Ben Moll & Philippe Martin
Focus du Conseil d'Analyse Economique #84
Repenser l’heritage
with Clément Dherbécourt, Gabrielle Fack & Stefanie Stantcheva
Note du Conseil d'Analyse Economique #69
[Slides] [Technical Appendix]
Consommation, epargne et fragilites
financieres pendant la crise Covid
with Chloe Lavest & Etienne Fize
Focus du Conseil d'Analyse Economique #54
Repenser l’assurance chomage : regles et gouvernance
with Pierre Cahuc & Stephane Carcillo
Note du Conseil d'Analyse Economique #69
- « How much unemployment insurance de we need? » IZA Newsroom 2013
Reformer le systeme de retraite: les droits familiaux et conjugaux,
avec Carole Bonnet, Antoine Bozio, and Simon Rabate, Rapport de l'Institut des Politiques Publiques, June 2013
[IPP website]
- « Should Unemployment Benefits Be Extended in Bad Times? » (SIEPR Policy Brief ) May 2011
- « LeBronomics: Do Taxes Really Affect Location Decisions of High-Paid Workers? » (SIEPR Policy Brief ) January 2011
- « Taxation and international migration of superstars: Evidence from the European football market », January 2011
- The cost of kids VoxTalks 2019
En classe eco (2014)
Series of filmed interviews for French online news platform Mediapart on the state of economics and social sciences, co-presented with Gabriel Zucman